Nobuko Soda
Before becoming an independent glasswork artist, Nobuko Soda graduated from a bachelor degree of Applied Physics in Japan. In 2006, she decided to quit her office job and to start her journey to explore and create magics using her hands.
The unique style of Nobuko Soda's glass works consists of 3 elements - Bubbles, Rust and Blue. Each alternative collaboration among these 3 elements has its own texture and ambience, and they look very differently. This is the reason why her works are so fascinating and special. The handcrafted glass works that you have never seen elsewhere!
Characteristics of different series of combinations:
- "Bubbles and Rust" Series: Bubbles are presented in a way that they're dancing freely in a brass texture. This combination also looks like the scattering sparks of "hanabi" (fireworks) surrounding the glass surface. It's a random yet beautiful melting point when chemicals start their harmonious dancing once they have met. The brass bubbles are then captured within the transparent layer of glass when Nobuko Soda stops blowing the glass. These fascinating moments between glass and brass will never appears in the exactly same form again. And, each of these scenes seems to be moving when you hold the works in your hands.
- "Bubbles and Blue" Series: This series is perfect for summer which reminds you the memory of going to the pool or visiting an aquarium. The 3-dimensional texture of bubbles inside the gradational layer of blue glass gives a fresh and cool breeze. They are even better when are used to serve bubbly drinks with a scoop of floating ice-cream during summer.
- "Rust and Blue" Series: Nobuko Soda's unique blue with a metallic and rustic style is created by the chemical reaction of adding brass during production. It's not a merely simple blue colour that you normally see. Each piece of glass objects in this series mimics the movement of water surface with an uneven top glass surface.
On sale
Nobuko Soda - Rust & Blue Object (LAST ONE)
260.00 $155.00
Nobuko Soda - Rust & Blue Object (LAST ONE)
260.00 $155.00
On sale
Nobuko Soda - Rustic Bubble Glass Bowl (LAST ONE)
148.00 $120.00
Nobuko Soda - Rustic Bubble Glass Bowl (LAST ONE)
148.00 $120.00
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- minä perhonen ⚮̈
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